Core Motivations of Each Enneagram Type (Part Two)

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Now last week, I talked to you about the core motivations of each Enneagram type, and I promised you a second part to last week. So we talked about the 4 different parts of the core motivations of each Enneagram type. And so today I'm going to be talking about the last two that are part of that initial four. But real quick, let's do a refresher on what the different types are. 


So the first type is going to be the perfectionist, that would be your Type 1. Your Type 2 is the helper. Type 3, the achiever. Type 4, romantic individualist. Type 5 is the thinker. Type 6, loyal guardian. Type 7, entertaining optimist. Type 8, the challenger. And then Type 9 is peaceful mediator. All right, so if you want to remember what those types are, or a little bit more about them, go back to last week's video, where I explained a little bit deeper. 


But today I'm just going to jump right into our topic with the other parts of the core motivations. And so every type, of course, has many core motivations that are pushing, they're the pushing force behind your thoughts, your feelings, your actions. Why you do what you do, in a nutshell, okay? So last week, I talked about the Core Fear and the Core Desire. And this week, I'm talking about the Core Weakness and the Core Longing. 


And so a Core Weakness of someone or of each Enneagram type, this is the thing that we often struggle with, or always trying to improve. And so it feels like maybe you have something that you just feel like you always are going back to. You're always trying to work through some type of self-improvement kind of thing, where it's like, man, why am I not getting this right? So this is just part of the core weakness of your personality type.  And so I'm going to go through each of the 9 Types and just kind of explain what's the thorn in your flesh? What's the thing that maybe you struggle with more than another Enneagram number? 


So for the first one, a lot of times, a Type 1 is going to struggle with resentment. This is, this happens, or this leads to resentment, because of your repressed anger, that the world is not perfect, right? So a Type 1 is going to want perfection. And they resent the world often because of it not being perfect. For a Type 2 pride, that's going to be the thing that usually trips you up. It's helping other people with their needs, so that they will express gratitude. And so if you're the type of person who is always offering your help. You're always giving to other people. It could be if you're an unhealthy state, that you're doing it to get the recognition for it, or to get the gratitude for it. And so pride will often creep in and say, well, I have always been there for you. I came over when you had a baby, and I did these meals for you. I cleaned the house for you. Okay, so it's doing that to get something back. That's where the pride or that type of thing could creep in.


For a Type 3 would be deceit. Okay, Type 3s will often put on a polished performance so that other people will admire you and love you for your abilities. So a lot of times, think about like Instagram, where it's going to show you this real of what is not real, right? These are the highlights of someone's life. So for a Type 3, they often will have trouble with deceit because they're putting on this, this performance of this is what my life is truly like. And so they're going to like when on the deep, on the inside, perhaps that's not really what's going on. But they do that, or I say we do that because I'm a Type 3, we can often do that in order to gain love and to gain admiration from other people. 


For a Type 4, it's just feeling flawed, like feeling there's always something missing. So for a Type 4, they may feel like they are putting a puzzle together, and they get it all done, and they've worked so long to do this. And there's a beautiful masterpiece. But it's missing one piece. So it can never fully be complete. That is something that a Type 4 struggles with. For a Type 5, it's avarice. It's withholding yourself from the world to keep from depleting your inner resources. And so you don't want to give of yourself to your family, to your loved ones, to your co workers, to your friends, because you're scared that you're not going to have enough of energy, literal energy to be able to interact. And so you hold back yourself, just to make sure that you can conserve your resources. 


For a Type 6, they often struggle with anxiety, because you're always staying in that state of worst case scenario, right? A Type 6 is going to be the loyal guardian, think about them as like a security guard, they're going to be the one standing watch and making sure that nothing is going to happen, no harm is going to come to those that they love. And so a lot of times, there will be anxiety, because you can't control everything, right? It's a facade, you think you can, but you can't. 


For a Type 7, often they will struggle with gluttony. It's the feeling that they need to fill up on experiences and this next thing, this next purchase and this next experience, that is going to make them completely satisfied when in reality, of course, it's not going to make them completely satisfied. But it doesn't stop them from trying. For a Type 8, it's often lust, the constant need for control and pushing your way so that others are going to give you what you desire. Being a bully into getting what you want and not being controlled. 


For a [Type] 9, it's sloth, it's just remaining unaffected by your feelings and your desires in order to keep peace and harmony. So for a Type 9, they just say, whatever, whatever you want to do in the house, whatever you want to do for a job, whatever you want to do in this relationship, I'm fine with and I'm at peace with. When really and truly, they're just pretending that they are not affected by it in order to keep the peace.


Now, these sound really, really bad, right? These Type 9, it's like, oh, I just feel sad now. But remember, these are core weaknesses. So these are the things that these Enneagram types are going to struggle with, but it doesn't mean that this is where you have to stay, all right? So this is describing the points when an Enneagram number is not healthy, all right? Whenever they are not keeping their mindset right, keeping their food right, moving their body, having those relationships. This is an example of what at their core they will struggle with if they are not keeping up with themselves on all the different levels, spiritually, emotionally, physically. 


So the last part that I'm talking about, this is the fourth part of the Core Motivation, is the Core Longing. So this is going to be the message that each Enneagram type would long to hear. This is what makes our hearts to feel happy and for us to feel at peace. This is basically what would make you feel complete. This would be, the way I think of it, would be like the highest compliment that you could get, okay? The place where we feel the least triggered, the least reactive, if that makes sense. 


So for a Type 1, you are good. This is what we long to hear.

For a Type 2, you are wanted and you are loved. This is what makes a Type 2's heart feel relaxed and safe.

For a Type 3, you're loved simply for being you.

For a Type 4, you're seen and loved just for who you are, which of course is special and unique.

For a Type 5, your needs are not a problem, okay? Your needs are not a problem for me.

For a Type 6, you are safe and secure.

For a Type 7, you will be taken care of.

For a Type 8, you will not be betrayed.

For a Type 9, your presence matters. 


So for us, we're always trying to run from our core weakness towards our core desire. So if you think of it as like two ends of a rubber band, okay? And you're tethered in the middle. So this rubber band is always going to pull you towards your core weakness and you're trying to pull towards your core desire, right? It's just back and forth that we're working with and working on, on this journey called life. It's just life, people. The more that you're surrendering and depending and you're resting in your true identity, whatever that means for you, the weaker the grip is going to have on that, that core weakness pulling towards you. So the more that you are in alignment with yourself and being true to yourself, being true to your values and to who you are at the core, the less grip that weakness is going to have on you and pulling you towards that and the closer you’re going to get to your core desire.


I hope that this two-part series has been very helpful for you. I know for me, it was very eye opening. It has helped me in my relationships and helped me as a parent. It's helped me in my friendships, my relationships with the rest of my family, like my sisters and my brother and things like that. So use this information, not as a sword to where, oh, well, you're just a Type 3. So you're probably just faking, for me to love you. And then don't use it as a shield. Oh, I'm a Type 6. I'm always going to struggle with anxiety. All right. 


Don't use it as a sword or a shield, but use it as a tool to be able to help you to become in alignment with your true identity and to be at peace and to be able to be the best that you can in this life. I will see you again next week with another bonus video. Thank you. Have a great week.