30 Day Supply (1 Bottle)
$1.3 per Serving
Put ice on your face to fix pores and prevent wrinkles! Have you received this anti-aging tip? The good news is a lot of what you’ve heard is likely false. Here’s a few myths we’ve heard over when it comes to wrinkles.
Here are seven myths skin aging
The More Expensive anti-aging products and procedures, more effective they are The truth is, there is no one size fits all solution to wrinkles and other signs of aging. Your age, medical history, specific complaints, allergies, lifestyle, and more are all key factors.
You don’t need sunscreen on cloudy days The UVA rays that cause wrinkles and other aging related skin damage almost always pass through clouds. Your skin needs the protection of a good sunscreen, no matter the weather.
Drinking lots of water and using Kim or Jenn’s moisturizer will fix wrinkles If you have wrinkles, water or moisturizer will not erase the fine lines. Using moisturizer can improve the appearance but will not magically fill them up.
Smiling and frowning lead to wrinkles This is a myth. Formation of wrinkles are heavily reliant on your lifestyle.
Facial exercises will prevent and fix wrinkles It is polar opposite of the above point. The muscles of your face don’t bulk up with repetitions. If this were true you would see facial exercise gyms.
Your genes will decide how fast you age Genetics are one factor in aging, but habits play a much larger role. Exposure to sunlight, not drinking enough water, smoking, and diet can all affect your skin’s health.
If you spend time in Sun your skin will age Sun damage is one of the leading causes of wrinkles. However, there may be other issues going on that can play a role in the hydration production and levels of collagen in the skin.
Pay attention to these facts. Collagen protein makes up 30% of protein in our body. In fact, Type 1 collagen is 90% of human collagen protein. Now, after the age of 30, the body stops replenishing the broken collagen protein strands resulting in wrinkles. This is one of the key reasons.
This can be fixed by consuming it. But remember, not all Collagens are effective.
Worry Not!! We bring to you natural, superfood based, zero sugar and still 1000% yumm – Indulgence chocolate collagen protein. It is high absorption with right mix of type 1 and type 3 proteins and amino-acid. A collagen that will reverse the signs of aging the way it has helped over 20K women.
Try NowSwitched to a "higher rated" collagen powder when I ran out of my Chocolate Indulgence 2 months ago. It didn't dissolve as well and left a chalky taste in my mouth. My hair started falling out again and fingernails started splitting and cracking after 2 weeks. So much for national ratings! Back with my favorite now. Just add a scoop to my morning breakfast drink. It not only gives my body what it needs, it makes my chocolate drink taste richer. Win, win!
Cindy C., Cedar Park, TX
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$1.3 per Serving
$1.27 per Serving
CoBionic’s Indulgence collagen protein has zero sugar and it still tastes great!!
CoBionic’s Indulgence collagen protein has zero sugar and it still tastes great!!
CoBionic’s Indulgence collagen protein has zero sugar and it still tastes great!!
CoBionic’s Indulgence collagen protein has zero sugar and it still tastes great!!
CoBionic’s Indulgence collagen protein has zero sugar and it still tastes great!!
CoBionic’s Indulgence collagen protein has zero sugar and it still tastes great!!
CoBionic’s Indulgence collagen protein has zero sugar and it still tastes great!!
CoBionic’s Indulgence collagen protein has zero sugar and it still tastes great!!