Honey Secrets for Vibrant Skin and Hair

Posted by Mike Miryala on


Hey, what’s up everybody?! I want to start our video off with a little song to give you a small hint as to what we are talking about today. So, “Sugar Sugar, Oh Honey, Honey”. You guess what’s it about? Honey. Yes, I know I’m possibly losing it. It is possible with 3 kids, that’s what happens, right? 

Alright! Today, I’m gonna talk about honey and I understand that honey is delicious and it’s nutritious and it’s a wonderful sweetener that nature provides for us. But today, I’m gonna talk about things that have nothing to do with survival. These are purely for fun, for your skin. I’m going to give you lots of DIYs so make sure that you stay all the way to the end because the recipes are at the end. Right? 

So I wanna talk about this tiny little secret for getting supermodel skin, for getting beautiful, vibrant, healthy skin. The way that we do it or the way that it helps your skin is first, if you have any kind of blemishes on your face, like zits or pimples or whatever. All those fun things. You can just take a cotton swab and dab it on your face. Put honey directly on it. Hopefully you are not a stomach sleeper cause that’s gonna make a pretty big mess. Leave it overnight and it really does wonders for your skin. If you want to up that level a little bit, you can add some essential oils like tea tree oil or maybe some lavender, that will help to smooth out the complexion that you have especially if you’re having some issues. Also, it helps to clear out blackheads, tightens skin, and hydrates your oil. There’s tons of different natural oils that would work but we’re focused on honey today. 

Honey has been used for thousands of years as a treatment also for cuts and burns. I did not know this, until this video of course. It helps to also disinfect the injured area and even promotes growth of new skin. So, I talked a couple weeks ago of the garden that we are doing. I got a little cut right here from literally tilling the land and yeah, it turns out, it’s kind of hard work. But whenever I get my crops, I’m gonna be super excited about it. But anyway, I might try a little honey on this and see if that will help me out. 

Also, the next thing is.. Let’s talk about hair. We’re moving from skin to hair. Honey is really good so basically what it does is it helps to pull moisture out of the air and it seals it in your hair and your skin too. Now, my hair is actually down past my behind, so I’ve got a lot of hair. I’m definitely gonna be trying these honey tips on this. It helps to prevent breakage and also promotes growth in the drier months and it pulls moisture away from your hair in the more humid months. So, you can use this in any season. So this is a really good addition to have for your beauty products. 

Now, I’m gonna talk to you about the 3 really super fun DIY - I love DIY stuff - DIY Recipes with Honey. 

So, the first one is for your hair. So what you’re gonna do is 1/2 cup of honey, and a 1/4 cup of olive oil. You mix the honey and the olive oil together and you apply it into your hair in sections until it’s completely coated and cover with a plastic cap. You are gonna be so cute. If you do this, I hope you put pictures on the FaceBook group so we can see how cute you are. After that, you’re gonna shampoo, rinse it and style it as normal. 

Next is a rinse or “sprinse”. So this is a really good final rinse, if your hair is looking dull, this is something that you can try. So you’re going to mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 4 cups of warm water. You’re going to mix the honey in the warm water so that you don’t have just big globs of honey. Pour it over your hair or apply it to a spray bottle for easier coverage. I’ll probably do the spray bottle. Do not rinse it out. You can leave it in your hair. This comes after you shampooed your hair and you can even add an essential oil for some extra hair benefits and fragrance. Once again, use a food grade oil, use one that is really pure and that you know where the source of it came from. Don’t just go out and buy something on the shelf because you have perfume grade oils and you have food grade oils and there’s a whole other thing. Anyway, make sure the oil is really good okay.

And lastly as a deep conditioner. Now, like I said, my hair is very long so this is definitely something that I need to try because it does get a little dry. And then also, I pretty much always have it up, like I said I have three kids, so you know there you go. So, as a deep conditioner, what you’re going to do is do 1 ripe banana, 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. You’re going to mash the banana, add in your coconut oil, add in your honey. Use a blender or hand mixer and you combine the ingredients and make a smooth consistency. You’re going to apply it just as you would a deep conditioner. Cover it with that cute plastic cap again and a towel. You’re going to leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse it thoroughly. Also, just a small little thing is honey contains an enzyme known as glucose oxidase which when left on the hair for about an hour begins to naturally create hydrogen peroxide and it gives you a highlighting mask to help lighten your hair. Who knew? It won’t be salon level but it will be subtle and all natural.

Make it a great day, and until next time. I’m Becky, thanks so much!