Why am I always HUNGRY?

Posted by Mike Miryala on


Hey, happy week to everybody. It is Becky Williams and I'm back with another bonus video today I'm gonna be talking about, why you're always hungry? If it seems like no matter how much food you eat, whether it's good quality food, whether it's junk food, what have you, it's like you're always hungry. So what's happening with that? Sometimes just thinking about hunger or just thinking about food even makes me hungry. So I know it's not physical hunger, right? especially if I just ate so don't blame yourself. If you're like me, you always feel hungry. There is a legitimate physical and psychological reason why you might feel this way. 

Today, I'm going to share a little bit with you about that, okay. I'm also going to share my step-by-step practice that you can do anywhere to help figure out if your hunger is physical or if it's psychological and emotional. I also have a super filling recipe for you as well. 

So as you guessed today's title is, why am I always hungry? There are reasons why you feel hungry. Okay, so of course the most obvious one, you’re actually hungry. Okay, you need to eat, right? Perhaps your stomach is empty, your blood sugars dropped, your hunger hormones are just having a party, right?

But other times hunger may not be a physical thing. It might be a craving or could be an emotional trigger. And these are the reasons why a lot of people eat too much. It could also be brought on by certain types of diets like if they're too restrictive. Stress and also other things that are happening in life. It's easy to make psychological hunger seem like it's actually physical hunger. Okay, and I can attest to this personally. I have pushed through and overcome an eating disorder. And so I do understand that sometimes we eat when we're not hungry and it does offer that temporary relief. But that's a completely different subject. Okay, so today I'm gonna talk about the difference between the types of hunger and also give you some tips on how to figure out which one it is. And of course filling recipe like I promised. 

So your physical hunger versus your psychological hunger. Physical hunger, you're familiar with this, but I find that a lot of people are not really tuned into their body, even though we understand what hunger is, right.  A baby cries, they're hungry. We get it. I think a lot of times we're not really in tune with how our body's feeling and that's why we can get confused with physical hunger and psychological hunger because we're not honoring our hunger and fullness scales. I've talked about that in previous videos.

But your physical hunger is actually regulated by your body through your hunger hormone. Of course, it should be right. That's how your body was created. You don't want to be completely drained of fuel and nutrients for a long time. So you're programmed to look for food when your body physically needs it. Some of those physical needs are that your stomach is empty or your blood sugar has dropped. A psychological or emotional hunger is eating to overcome boredom, overcome stress, overcome sadness. It’s based on a thought or a feeling. It's what happens when you see a great food commercial or a smell at a bakery, and you're like, oh I want some of that. It's not an empty stomach. It's not low blood sugar. That is a psychological hunger. All right. 

So here are 8 steps to figure out if you're hungry or not. Yes 8 believe it or not. It's a lot of steps so hopefully one of these will resonate with you at least. First thing that you need to do is stop and evaluate. Scarfing down a protein bar at the first sign of hunger isn't necessarily going to help you. 

[Step] 2, now that you have stopped, pay attention. Where is this hunger coming from? Can you actually feel or hear your stomach growling? Did you skip the meal? When's the last time you ate? Are you seeing and smelling something divinely delicious and that's what's causing the hunger? Perhaps you're sad. Are you bored? Are you stressed? Take a look at these areas and really pay attention. Also notice if it's like the same time of day. So every day at two o'clock you're hungry,  probably not a physical hunger. 

Step 3 have a big glass of water observe your hunger and feeling for at least a whole minute, really dig into the source of your feeling. It can be really easy to jump into conclusion and say, yep, I'm starving. Okay, but just stop, drink the water, listen to your body and mind. 

This is number 4, if you do find that you're feeling might be a source then face that feeling instead of eating because like I've told my clients in the past, the refrigerator is not going to fix your problems and what you're hungry for is not going to be found in there, if it is a emotional type problem. You could also try deep breathing, having a stretch, going for a quick walk to release some of your emotions. Journaling, if you're in a spot to do that, obviously if you're in the middle, you know work or something like that you can't necessarily stop and do that, but something that's gonna make you pause and really sit with however you're feeling and figure out, am I really hungry or is this something else? 

But listen guys if you're pretty sure that your body physically needs nutrition. Wait just a couple more minutes. But if you know that if you know that you're not emotionally hungry, then of course eat, okay. I'm not saying like wait a million years and then like you're famished and you're falling out on the concrete because you're just haven't had food for 72 hours. That's not what we're talking about. Okay, so number 6, if you're fairly sure that your hunger is not coming from boredom or from thirst or from actual hunger. 

7 if it's physical hunger, then feel free to eat healthy and nutritious foods. Fill up on foods that you should eat like things that are protein rich, good fiber and water. Eat slowly and mindfully. Chew well and savor every bite. When you're scarfing stuff down, when you're working on the computer, you're watching a movie you just eat eat eat and you look down and it's gone. Okay, not good. You need to chew it well. 

Next time, I challenge you count how many times you chew before you swallow. You'll be astounded how quickly you eat your food. Let's say if you only take 6 bites, which sounds I mean 6 chews, which sounds like oh man, I know I did more than that. Count it.  I challenge you. Count it and then add two more bites, two more chews to whatever it is that you're doing and just continue to work that up until you're at like 20 or something.

Okay, and the 8th step is rinse and repeat at the next sign of hunger. So you're checking okay, is it the same time of day? Am I feeling emotions? Am I thirsty? Am I stressed? Am I bored? What is it that's causing this hunger? If I am hungry, then I'm gonna eat healthy nutritious foods. Eating things that are like protein and fat and fiber together, it's really gonna help you to stay satiated. 

So the conclusion of all of this is that the feeling of hunger can manifest for a lot of different reasons. Of course, if you're physically hungry and need nutrients, then go for it. If there's an underlying psychological or emotional reason that you might feel hungry, you need to address it because they're not gonna find relief in what you need in the fridge. You're just not. I tried that for several years. I gained at least, let's see. I gained about 40 pounds. So, I mean it's and then that causes more problems and deeper problems, so your physical hunger and your emotional hunger are very different and they have to be addressed in different ways.

But moving on to our really delicious recipe. Our recipe for today is slow cooker. I love the Slow Cooker Roast Beef and Potatoes. If you are not a potatoes person, then you can exchange this for radishes. I have done that. Oh, it's good. It's hard to even tell. They look like little red potatoes and they taste like little red potatoes once they're cooked. This is gonna serve 6 people. So you need:

  • 2 onions that are sliced
  • 4 pounds of beef roast
  • 1 pound of potatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1 pound of carrots, peeled and sliced
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 2 dashes of dried thyme sage or parsley
  • 2 cloves of crushed garlic 
  • salt and pepper to taste 

  1. Place a layer of your sliced onion on the bottom of your slow cooker. I like to spray mine first with like a coconut oil or an avocado oil spray, just spray it so it doesn't stick.
  2. Put your onions down. Start caramelizing the onions just a little bit and then go ahead and wash and rinse all the other ingredients while that's simmering.
  3. And then while that's going, you can take all of your meat and all that stuff go ahead and put it all in your pot.  Cook on high for 3 to 5 hours. Or you can do low for 6 to 8 hours or until done. 

Now, some people will cook, take the roast beef and will sear it on the stove first so that has that charred outside. You're welcome to do that or you can just throw it in there raw and uncooked. Also, you can substitute like I said for different vegetables. You could use sweet potatoes. You could use parsnips instead of carrots. You can use radishes, like I said, okay, so hopefully this recipe sounds really good. 

It's great for those days when you are really pressed for time and just want to have a really good meal when you come home. So that you're not feeling super hungry, you're not feeling emotionally hungry because you've worked all day and tired and this recipe is just all around good yummy and a great home-cooked meal.

So I will see you next week with another bonus video. If you make this recipe or if you have another one that you'd love to share, especially with the slow cooker, please post it in our facebook group and I will see you again next week. Bye Bye.